Jun 25, 2012

Gold Text Part 2

Color Overlay (color is #872f00)

Gradient Overlay:


Color 1: Location   0%:    #000000
Color 2: Location 32%:    #160700
Color 3: Location 50%:    #783501
Color 4: Location 70%:    #421f01
Color 5: Location 100%:  #0f0f0f

Step 10: CTRL+CLICK GOLD layer to make a selection of it:

Step 11: Go to the top menu > Select > Modify > Contract, choose a value of 4px and hit OK:

Step 12: With the selection still on, create a new layer and fill the selection with black:

Step 13: Right click our black text layer and go to Blending Options. Modify the following:

Outer Glow (color #754d00):

Inner Glow (color #cc8200):

Satin (color black):

Gradient Overlay:

Color 1: Location 0% :      #4c4c4c
Color 2: Location 77%:     #bababa
Color 3: Location 100%:   pure white

Inside Blending Options Custom: make sure Fill Opacity is set to 0% then hit OK:

You should end up with something very similar to this:

Step 14: Create a new Layer on top of all our layers, name it Lights. Set it's style to Overlay and start painting with white color brushes our glitter lights and shiny brushes:

 Continue adding lights and beams into the same layer:

Step 15: Add a Brightness / Contrast Adjustment Layer on top of all our other layers and modify the brightness according to how much light you have into your image. If you used too many light brushes I recommend lowering the Brightness value and always bump up the Contrast. I used Brightness -15 and Contrast 73.

Last Step: Add a Color Balance adjustment layer on top of our layers and modify the follwing:

Final result:

And that's it. We're done !
With this method you can create stunning results for signatures, wallpapers and logos. Feel free to experiment with the values, those are not fixed and make sure that if you change the font you copy the black text layer style and paste it to the new black text layer that you create because that one does not modify due to Rasterize Type.

If you have any questions about this tutorial feel free to post them into the comment section below.
Also feel free to comment your opinion or add your results. See you next time!

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