Jun 25, 2012

Gold Text in Photoshop

Tutorial result:

Hello and welcome to another PS tutorial. This one is about creating stunning gold texts only with blending options and a few lightning tricks. I must tell you that you need some light brushes to emphasize the lightning effects to make the result look better. I have been using some glitter brushes and some fantasy light brushes for this tutorial. You can find those kind of brushes on Google, just try to search "Photoshop brushes" ,there are tons of free brushes that you can download, or just follow these two links and download some of the brushes that I have been using:


  • Installing the brushes (if you already know how please skip this step)
To install those brushes all you need to do is to copy the .abr files and paste them into:
Program Files > Adobe > Adobe Photoshop CS > Presets > Brushes folder then start Photoshop, go to the Brush tool and press on the top right button at the top of the Brush Tool Window and you should see all the brushes that you installed:

So first of all we will need a background to work on. Save the following image on your computer:

Step 1: Open Adobe Photoshop go to File > New and create a 1024x768 document:

Step 2: Open the copper.jpg texture that you have downloaded from above and Paste it into a new layer on top of the background:

 Step 3: Press SHIFT+CTRL+U to desaturate the image:

Step 4: Now press CTRL+L to bring up the Levels and bring the midpoint to about 0.5 like in the image below:

 Step 5: Make a new Layer (CTRL+SHIFT+N) on top of the Copper texture and then go to Filter > Render > Clouds:

Step 6: Go to Filter > Render > Lightning Effects and move the Ellipse inside the Preview tab just like in the image below to make the light come from the top right of our image. Choose an orange color for our light and then hit OK:

Step 7: Change the Clouds Layer Style to Linear Dodge (Add):

Step 8: Create a New Text Layer, choose whatever Font you like (I'm using Cambria) make sure the color is set to black, and the Height is at least 250 pt:

Step 9: Right click GOLD text layer, go to Blending Options and change the following:

Drop Shadow:

Inner Shadow:

Outer Glow (color is pure white):

Inner Glow (color is pure white):

Bevel and Emboss:


Texture: Choose Light Marble texture found in Rock Patterns:

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